Saturday, April 23, 2016

Working it OUT!

This week has been a great workout week--as was last week! I love when I'm mentally in the game, which sometimes takes forever to transpire. But it has and I feel fabulous!

One of my friends at work and I have been hitting the track as many days as we can--due to the snow at the beginning of the week, we weren't able to. We did attempt, but to no avail. On Wednesday and Friday we got in the 1.5 miles--six times around. And it goes so fast--mostly because we're chatting up a storm the entire time. I love it. I love the friendship that is developing and the camaraderie of our professional relationship as well. After school, I throw on the PIYO from my laptop, project it onto the screen, clear out the tables and throw down the yoga mats. It's awesome! I mean there are some moves that literally SUCK when I'm attempting to do them, but I'm getting stronger and I feel better. I can't wait until my wrists no longer suffer under the weight of my body--when they can support the moves I'm wanting to do. It's a slow process, but I've completed two weeks! Yay!

Me and my babies--rocking the workout pants!
Usually I make my working out about my weight. I'm a slave to that damn scale. I remember when I was younger and I thought When I'm in my 30s I'll no longer be so obsessed with my body. Yeah right! And while I did hit a heavy spell for a few years in my 30s, I realized that it was due to being in a shitty relationship. It wasn't me. At 38, I got in the best shape--back to the shape I was in BC (before children). Going to the gym with Kent felt amazing--we built the foundation of our relationship there, as friends. I looked forward to going, to seeing him, to talking about our lives, our stresses, our kids, us.

This go around I'm trying, notice the trying because the scale has been a part of my life ever since I can remember and some habits are extremely hard to break (sorry for the ramble...)... Anyway, I'm trying to not make the tail end of my 40s about the damn scale. I only got on it once this week. And I'm not even going to write about the two pounds I lost. Oops. See. Like I said--trying.

What can I say? I'm a piece of work. I hope that I always care about my body--about my health. About looking my best and feeling proud. There's this saying, "You feel your best, when you look your best." And for me that's true. Some days my best means sweats and a t-shirt. At work it means dressing for success. I like that my students call me the fashionista and are taken back when I wear jeans or workout attire or whatever.

It's been a good 2 weeks. Here's to a great two more! =)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Some nights, when I'm perusing the Internet, I come across some pretty amazing stories. There's one blog in particular that I found a few months ago--one that I've found myself going back to and reading the updates, following the stories, looking through the photo and even watching the videos. I feel connected to this family--one I've never met, yet their story has touched my heart.

I step back and think about my life--about my kids and my husband, and I feel so incredibly blessed. There were times when life was starting to get the best of me, when I didn't think things would ever turn around... and then they did.

And it's made me realize how important it is to take in every day--even the really shitty ones--and grab ahold of it for what it is, and for what it isn't.

This past year has been filled with so many blessings. From celebrating our 6th anniversary, to buying our first home together, to being empty nesters--to living life with a man I love and who loves me back. There are so many days when we're sitting under the stars in the hot tub and we look at each other and say, "God, I love our life." Because we do.

We're so lucky in so many ways. Not a day goes by that I don't send up a prayer of thanks...